Steve Willoughby © BMI
Day after day we muddle through, trying so hard for the red, white and blue
With stars in our eyes, dreams in our heart till some politician tears it all apart.
Our fore-fathers they took a stand, fought for freedom in this brave new land.
But some how, some way screwed up the plan,
Let it all slip away right through their greedy little hands.
So I’m telling you people, gotta be something we can do
to chase away these “American Blues”
Get back to our families, back to our roots;
I’m talkin’ bout me, yeah I’m talking about you.
You see them on the street, with sad hollow eyes.
Sometimes all they get to eat is empty alibi’s
With no where to turn, and no where to go.
Seems the American Dream, left them busted, broke and cold.
Lost their farm, lost the house, losing their hope and
Finding their doubt.
Livin’ in cars, in cardboard towns.
Till city hall decides to burn em’ all down.
So tell me Mr. President, can you show some guts & heart
And lead this GREAT COUNTRY back out of the dark.
Put jobs back in our factories, faith back in our schools
One nation under “GOD” - LIVIN’ BY THE GOLDEN RULE
Please Mr. President, can you take a stand
And put the word “PROMISE” back into this promise land
So we’ll never again have to sing ……